Rina Widyaningrum became the Best Graduate of the Master Study Program at the Period IV Graduate Program Graduation, Academic Year 2020/2021. This event was on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, through Zoom Meeting. Rina got a Great Point Average (GPA) of 4.00, with the predicate of Cumlaude. Rina was able to complete her studies in a fast time of one year and ten months. Rina completed her thesis with the title “Estimated Genetic Parameters, Outputs, and Population Dynamics of Aceh Cattle at the Superior Cattle Breeding Center and Forage Animal Feed Indrapuri” under the guidance of Ir. Dyah Maharani, S.Pt., MP., Ph.D., IPM. as the first advisor and Prof. Ir. I Gede Suparta Budisatria, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng. as the second advisor.
Rina is one of the productive students, besides completing her thesis, Rina has also completed three publications of her research results. The publication was published in the Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture and The 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Bio-industry (ICAGRI-2020) with published status and one publication that has been accepted at The 3rd International Conference of Animal Science and Technology ( ICAST 3).
In this study, Rina is one of the Civil Servants of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia who is assigned to study at the Master of Animal Science Study Program, Faculty of Animal Science, UGM. After graduating, Rina will return to her duties as Cattle Breeding Supervisor at the Superior Cattle Breeding and Forage Center in Indrapuri, Aceh.