The Postgraduate Student Association of Faculty of Animal Science UGMÂ held a “Student Gathering Event of Master and Doctor Programs.” The event was held online on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The resource person for this event was Mellisa Trisnadi, M.Psi. (Adult Clinical Psychologist and Official One Percent Psychologist), and Miftahul Hilmy (Standup Indo Jogja).
The Gathering event consisted of a webinar with the theme “Mental Health” and a stand-up comedy session. Students in the webinar session shared with Mellisa Trisnadi, who has a psychology background. They were also entertained with a stand-up comedy entertainment session by Miftahul Hilmy. The concept of a relaxed event was also enlivened by games and door prizes.
Mellisa Trisnadi explained about three things to maintain mental health. These three things are aware, acceptance, and action. Aware is about the fact that humans feel safe if there is a certainty but uncertainty is certain to happen. Accept explains that things are out of control and chooses to accept and adapt. Action has a resilience point, which is a process when individuals can adapt well and return, especially to experiences that require flexibility and adjustment of mental, emotional, and behavior.