Study Program of Master in Animal Science UGM conducted the academic socialization and welcoming event for new students 2021/2022 Academic Year. This event was attended by 34 new students. The event was held online on August 14, 2021.
Ir. Nafiatul Umami, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. as the Head of Master in Animal Science Study Program explained the academic information to the new students. This information was related to their study interest and the total credits that might be taken by students. Master in Animal Science provides two programs based on the curriculum, by-research and by-course programs. A by-research program is a program that would be focused on research for the credits taken, while by course program is a program with courses as the main focus. Nafiatul also gave support for the students to arrange their study plan well so they can graduate in time.
Academic information socialization discussed some academic regulations that should be obeyed by students regarding their program. This year, there were many ways for student submission, like own cost (self-funded), partnership, and scholarship like Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU). This event was closed with a discussion and question session about courses for by-course and by-research programs that will facilitate students’ study interests.