Referring to Undang-Undang (Law) Republic of Indonesia No. 14 Year 2005, the lecturers who teach in the Study Program of Master in Animal Science have to hold doctoral degree. The appointment of a lecturer of a course is based on the Head of Laboratory’s or the Head of Study Program’s nomination by considering lecturer’s competency and teaching duty.
Academic Supervisor
The academic supervisor has important roles in motivating, directing, and advising students during their study period. The academic supervisor is appointed by the Head of Study Program. Academic Supervisors provide academic consultation and advice for their students in planning their study.
Thesis Supervisor
Thesis Supervisor is a lecturer appointed by Dean and has responsibility to guide students in writing research proposal, conducting research, and thesis writing. A student will have 2 supervisors: Main Thesis Supervisor and Second Thesis Supervisor. The appointment of those supervisors are based on lecturers’ competency and their student quota. Main Thesis Supervisor must hold a doctoral degree and a functional job as lector. Meanwhile, Second Thesis Supervisor must hold a doctoral degree.
The nomination of Thesis Supervisor follows the mechanism below:
- The Head of Study Program arranges a meeting for students to provide them information regarding laboratory, human resources, and research that had or currently being conducted. The meeting is organized at least one week before the class started.
- Students submit a request for both Main and Second Thesis Supervisor regarding the specialization they are interested in, addressed to the Head of Study Program. The request must have been submitted by the end of the first semester. The Second Thesis Supervisor could be from other specialization or other study program either in UGM or other who have met all requirements.
- After acquiring approval in the Faculty Management Meeting, the Head of Study Program submits the request to the Dean. The Dean will then issue a decree of appointment.
- A lecturer could be either Main or Second Thesis Supervisor at most for 6 students.
Thesis Examiner
Thesis examiner consists of Thesis Supervisor, other lecturer and or another examiner (who is not lecturer) that has been appointed by Study Program. The appointment of thesis examiner follows the mechanism below:
- After obtaining approval from their supervisor, students submit the request form of thesis examiner according to their thesis substance. The request must have been submitted by the end of the first semester.
- After obtaining approval from the Head of Study Program, the request will be forwarded to the Dean who will then issue a decree of appointment.
The Replacement of Thesis Supervisor
Either Main or Second Thesis Supervisor can be replaced by other lecturers if they do not actively provide supervision/guide to their students due to overseas trip or other type reasons that has been approved by the Head of Study Program. The related lecturer files a letter of resign as thesis supervisor. The Head of Study Program will then appoint another lecturer as a replacement.
Study Plan
Students have to take courses as much as the study load that has been prescribed by Study Program.
- Courses are mainly categorized into compulsory and elective courses.
- Elective courses are offered by each specialization in the Study Program of Master and Animal Science or other relevant studies outside Faculty of Animal Science. Students who would like to take courses offered by other study program have to acquire approvals from their supervisors and the Head of Study Program.
- Collateral courses are undergraduate courses, recommended by supervisors that might be taken by students. Students who take collateral courses have to follow rules applied in the courses and have to be approved by the Head of Study Program.
Study Plan Card
The Study Plan Card covers courses taken by students in each semester. It has to get approved by the student’s supervisor and the Head of Study Program.
Addition and Cancellation of Courses
The alteration of Study Plan (addition and cancellation of courses) can be carried out within 2 weeks after the courses have been started. Students have to get approval from their supervisor.
Courses Transfer
Courses transfer is a mechanism that allows students to transfer grade they have obtained from other study programs or universities, including from foreign university to be included in their study’s remark. The conversion will be performed by a team that appointed by the Head of Study Program.
Lecture Activity
The lecture activity is held for 16 weeks, following the prescribed university’s academic calendar. Lecture activity also includes the practicum, a midterm examination, and a final examination. Students’ attendance in the lecture activity will be recorded. Students can take the examination of a course if they meet 75% of minimum attendance in that course.
Language of Instruction
The languages of instruction in Study Program of Master in Animal Science are Bahasa Indonesia and English. Foreign students who do not speak Bahasa Indonesia yet are urged to take Bahasa Indonesia course for at least 1 semester at Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UGM.
Sit In
Sit In system allows students to take a course without getting a grade/ mark in that course. Students who will take sit in course have to follow the mechanism below:
- Acquire recommendation from the supervisor.
- Permitted by the lecturer who teaches the course.
- Actively participate in lecture, practicum, and examination.
- Meet all requirements prescribed by the Head of Study Program.
- Sit in from other study programs are regulated by those study programs.
Semester Examination
Semester examination is a type of examination held to evaluate students’ competency in a taken course. The semester examination follows the mechanism as below:
- Midterm examination is held at the 8th week in each semester.
- The final examination is held 1 week after the last class.
Retaking Courses
Students can retake courses they had taken in the previous semester in order to improve their grades on those courses. The mechanism is written below:
- Fill the Study Plan Card.
- Attend class and practicum.
- The maximum grade for the retaken course is B.
Grade is delivered in the letter of A, A-, A/B, B+, B, B-, B/C, C+, C, C-, C/D, D+, D, or E. Student who has not completed all grading requirements in a course will marked TL (Tidak Lengkap, incomplete). If within 1 month, the student fails to complete the requirement, the mark will be automatically converted into E.
Grade Announcement
The grade will be announced within 2 weeks after the examination. The lecturer has to send the grade to the Head of Study Program within 1 week after the examination.
Report of Study Progress
The report of study progress is made by students and their supervisor at the end of each semester.
Fieldwork Lecture
Fieldwork lecture is an extracurricular activity organized based on the proposal from Himpunan Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Peternakan (HMP, graduate students association). The Head of Study Program will appoint lecturer to supervise the activity.
Comprehensive Examination
Students have to take the comprehensive examination prior thesis defense. The comprehensive examination evaluates student’s competency. The comprehensive examination follows the mechanism below:
- File a request to the Head of Study Program.
- Have completed all prescribed courses.
- Have completed research proposal seminar.
- The comprehensive examination will be held for 120 minutes.
- Hold 400 of TOEFL score or an equivalent of AcEPT score; and 450 score of PAPs/TPA.
Examiner of Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive examination will be examined by the Main and Second Thesis Supervisor, and 2 other lecturers.
Examination Result
Students will be marked “pass” or “retake”. Students who get “retake” mark can file a request to retake the examination in 2 weeks to 3 months after the examination. The student who fails the comprehensive examination for 3 times has to take courses recommended by examiners.
Thesis is one of compulsory courses weighed for 12 credits, consists of:
- Thesis proposal, includes the writing process and thesis proposal seminar (2 credits)
- Research and thesis writing (5 credits)
- Research result seminar (2 credits)
- Thesis defense (2 credits)
- One publication that has been approved by the editor in scientific journal or seminar (1 credit)
Thesis Proposal
Thesis proposal includes its writing process and seminar weighed for 2 credits. Seminar will enable students to prepare and present their proposal/ research result to acquire suggestion and other knowledge/information from the audience. Students will also learn how to communicate in a scientific setting. The seminar is regulated in the seminar guideline.
Research and Thesis Writing
Research and thesis writing are weighed for 5 credits. Students can perform their research after completing their research proposal seminar.
Requirement of Thesis Defense
- Have passed comprehensive examination.
- Have completed the research result seminar.
- Have submitted thesis and publication that have been approved by supervisor and examiner team that has been appointed by the Head of Study Program.
- File a request for thesis defense, attached by thesis and publication as much as 4 copies that have been approved by supervisors.
Thesis Defense
Thesis defense is scheduled 1 week as the quickest after students submit their request for thesis defense. The thesis defense is weighed for 5 credits. The thesis defense will last for maximum 120 minutes.
Examiners will mark in number that will be averaged and converted into letters, as follow:
≥80,0 | = | A | 45 – 49,9 | = | C+ | |
75 – 79,9 | = | A– | 40 –44,9 | = | C | |
70 –74,9 | = | A/B | 35 – 39,9 | = | C- | |
65 – 69,9 | = | B+ | 30 –34,9 | = | C/D | |
60 – 64,9 | = | B | 25 – 29,9 | = | D+ | |
55 – 59,9 | = | B- | 20 –24,9 | = | D | |
50 –54,9 | = | B/C | 0– 19,9 | = | E |
Scientific Publication
Students have to publish at least 1 scientific publication.
Retaking Thesis Defense
- Students who get C or less in the thesis defense are allowed to retake the thesis defense within 2 weeks to 3 months after the first thesis defense.
- The maximum grade for second thesis examination is B.
Thesis Revision
If students who have taken thesis defense fails to finish their thesis within 3 months after the thesis defense, they have to retake the thesis defense.
The referendum is a process in which the Head of Study Program will decide whether they graduate from the Study Program of Master in Animal Science or not. The referendum is organized after the student has passed the thesis defense.
Yudisium is a process in which the Head of Study Program will deliberately decide whether they graduate based on academic and administrative requirements. Yudisium is organized after the referendum. Yudisium is attended by Dean, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, and Supervisor. Yudisium is held once a month.
Monitoring and evaluation are held in 2 stages, i.e.: First and Second Evaluation.
The First evaluation follows this following mechanism:
- The student who has not acquired 15 credits by second semester and 3.00 minimum GPA will not be allowed to take thesis until a certain of time.
- If within one-semester student cannot accomplish the aforementioned requirement, a student will not be allowed to continue his study/ drop out.
The Second Evaluation follows this following mechanism:
- Student who is not be able to complete his study by the end ofthe third semester with 3.00 minimum GPA will be issued the first notice letter.
- Student who is not be able to complete his study by the end of the fourth semester with 3.00 minimum GPA will be issued the second notice letter.
- Student who is not be able to complete his study by the end of the fifth semester with 3.00 minimum GPA will be issued the third notice letter and will be granted one semester of extension to complete his study.
- If the student is not able to complete his study like the condition mentioned in no. 3, he will not be allowed to continue his study/ drop out.
Length of Study
Length of study is a certain period required by students to complete their study. The length of the study period in the Study Program of Master in Animal Science.
- The length of study in the Study Program of Master in Animal Science is 2 – 6 semesters.
- The length of study is started since the student enrollment until yudisium.
Academic Leave of Absence
Students can file a request for leave of absence by following these mechanisms below:
- Academic leave of absence will not be included in student’s length of study. Student can take academic leave of absence for 2 semesters at maximum.
- The academic leave of absence only applies for students whom have passed the First Evaluation.
- Scholarship recipients who will take academic leave of absence have to follow the regulation applied by their scholarship.
Prohibition and Academic Sanction
Students who commit these following acts will be stated have violated the academic honesty:
- Cheating on examination.
- Performing exam or other academic activities under other’s name. Asking someone to perform exam or other academic activities for them.
- Commit any type of acts that violate academic interest of other.
- Plagiarism.
Students who commit one or more of the aforementioned acts will be sanctioned following the prescribed regulation. Sanctions can be varied from a notice of warning, not allowed to engage in academic activity for one semester, and drop out from the Study Program of Master in Animal Science.
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation ceremony is organized for student who have been announced graduated based on Yudisium result and have met all administrative requirements prescribed by Study Program and University.