Graduate Program of Faculty of Animal Science UGM accepted new students from the Master in Animal Science Study Program. The event was on Thursday (3/2) through an online meeting. The head, the secretary, and the supporting staff of the Master in Animal Science Study Program also attended the event.
Ir. Nafiatul Umami, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN. Eng, as the head of the Master in Animal Science Study Program, explained the lecture activity. The lecture starts from the even semester will be held through a mixed method. The offline or online meeting will be discussed further with the lecturers in charge of the course taken. The mixed learning method still obeys the Covid-19 protocol and the current condition of the pandemic situation.
The event was continued with the lecture session explanation and the discussion with the new students. Questions related to the courses taken should fit with the student study interest and student research plan. The students aim to prepare and to make the study plan well. A good study plan aims to help students to graduate in time.