Sunday, December 5, 2021 – Postgraduate Student Association (HMP) Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) carried out follow-up activities from the Compost Processing Training from Cattle Farming Waste which was held in October 2021. The activity with the theme “Socialization of Marketing and Packaging of Compost Fertilizer Products from Cattle Farm Waste” was one of the implementations of the Postgraduate Grant Competition Service Program of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM. This activity was carried out at the meeting hall for the Perti Dadi livestock farmer group, Duwet Village, Wonosari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The marketing and packaging socialization activity for compost fertilizer products from cattle farm waste began at 09.30 WIB with members of the Perti Dadi livestock farmer group attended. This activity was well received by the village government, where Mr Warsito as the Head of Duwet Village was also present who gave remarks and motivation to the members of the Perti Dadi livestock farmer group. In addition, the marketing and packaging socialization activities for compost fertilizer products from cattle farm waste held by the HMP of Faculty of Animal Science UGM also collaborated with other service program which were the Postgraduate Grant Service Program Teams on the Dissemination of Gama Umami Grass and the student team of Independent Learning-Independent Campus or Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).
The series of events took place with wisdom starting from the opening, several remarks and the main event, namely the presentation of marketing materials and packaging of compost fertilizer products from cattle farm waste. With the marketing and packaging socialization of compost fertilizer products from cattle farm waste, it is hoped that the knowledge of Perti Dadi’s livestock farmer group farmers regarding marketing and good product packaging can increase secondary income apart from farming and raising livestock. Therefore, HMP has contributed to the participation of farmers through discussion and knowledge sharing.
The Marketing and Packaging Socialization for Compost Fertilizer Products from Cattle Farming Waste held by the Faculty of Animal Science UGM was also attended by Mrs. Inneke as a field extension officer from the Wonosari Agricultural Extension Center or Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP). The Perti Dadi livestock farmer group had never previously received marketing and packaging socialization for compost fertilizer products from cow farm waste, therefore the HMP held a marketing and product packaging socialization to the Perti Dadi livestock farmer group. The benefits of this socialization activity were the creation of packaging designs for compost fertilizer products and an understanding of marketing strategies for compost fertilizer products from the Perti Dadi livestock farmer group.