Himpunan Ilmuwan Tumbuhan Pakan Indonesia (HITPI) or Indonesian Forage Scientist Association (IFSA) held the 10th HITPI National Seminar on Thursday, November 4, 2021, with the theme “Development Strategy and Role of Functional Forage in Increasing Indonesian Livestock Production in the Hyperendemic Period.” The 10th National Seminar of HITPI was attended by around 385 participants from various circles and the number of papers submitted to be presented in parallel seminars was 54 papers from 24 institutions. The National Seminar Coordinator is (Dr.cand) Diana Sawen, S.Pt., M.Si.
Wardi, the postgraduate student at Faculty of Animal Science UGM, became the best presenter in the 10th HITPI Seminar. Wardi presented a paper with the title “The effect of urea fertilizer level and harvest age on productivity in telang flower (Clitorea ternatea L.).” The National Seminar was opened by the General Chair of HITPI, Ir. Nafiatul Umami, S.Pt., M.Sc. Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. The keynote speaker was the Director of Feed of the Indonesian Directorate of Animal Feed and Health, drh. Agus Sunanto, M.P. with the speech title “Development Strategy and Role of Functional Forage in Increasing Livestock Production.” The Director of Feed explained that in anticipating feed issues such as feed security in relation to the availability of quality forage, either due to the season or the existing system, limited land and feed safety in relation to the safety of feed use, which is also the key to successful breeding, several steps or strategies have been taken, including the development of forage fodder (utilization of local feed ingredients, release of new forage varieties–patas gates, land use with agroforestry-integration systems in general), development of processed feed (development of a preserved feed bank from forage and agricultural waste), quality development, and feed safety (feed regulation and development of feed quality testing laboratory).
The invited speakers who also presented their presentation in the 10th National Seminar of HITPI were Dr. rer. nat. Nur Rochmah Kumalasari, S.Pt., M.Si from IPB, (Assistant Professor) Kannika Umpuch, M.Sc., Ph.D. from Thailand, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kustantinah, DEA., IPU. from UGM. The bottom line of the presentations of the three invited speakers is the importance of identifying areas and exploring the diversity of forage plant species in various landscapes and then screening for their potential as forage forage (palatability, toxins and anti-nutrients) as well as their potential as functional feed which can later become a forage data bank. Furthermore, from the research results and the results of screening some unusual tropical forages, for example banyan, jackfruit leaves, neem leaves and several others can be given to livestock and can act as anti-parasitic, bio-anthelmitic (anti-worm), and protein protector which can be observed in vitro as well as in vivo. The seminar was closed by the General Secretary of HITPI, Dr. Ir. Mansyur, S.Pt., M.Si. IPM.
Source: https://hitpi.org/Artikel/seminar-nasional-x-hitpi-online