The Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the UGM value lecture for new students of Master, Doctor, and Professional Engineer program in animal industry study programs Odd Semester Programs for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. The event was held online on September 4, 2021. Participants who attended this lecture were 115 students and lecturers from the Faculty of Animal Science UGM.
The UGM lecture began with a video showing the history of UGM that was established on December 19, 1949. The event continued with the remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPU., ASEAN Eng. Ali Agus said that UGM was born during the struggle for Indonesian independence. UGM is committed to implementing the values of Pancasila, namely Divinity, Humanity, Unity, Democracy, and Social Justice. Alumni of Gadjah Mada University must have and carry the values of Pancasila. In addition, students of the Faculty of Animal Science in undergoing lectures and after becoming alumni must carry out the Sapta Pesona Diri. The Sapta Pesona Diri consists of seven values, namely the values of honesty, discipline, responsibility, enthusiasm, critical thinking, courtesy, and real work.
Dr. Heri Santoso, S.S. M.Hum., Lecturer of the Faculty of Philosophy UGM, became a resource person in the lectures held. Heri Santoso explained that UGM has philosophical values in every part. The UGM area in the form of roads, buildings, fields, and facilities has values such as the value of diversity and the values of Pancasila. An example is a philosophy of structuring the various plants planted along UGM roads to have the value of ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.’ This illustrates that even though there are differences, they still uphold the value of unity.
UGM from the west to the east describes the archipelago of Indonesia related to the spirit of UGM to bring Indonesia’s glory. A historical Balairung building was built with a strong spirit of struggle and fundamental values, just like a massive building. UGM as a people’s campus was built by the struggle for the welfare and glory of the Indonesian nation.