In the third period of graduation for academic year 2018/2019, 6 master’s students and 1 doctoral student graduated from Faculty of Animal Science UGM. The best master’s graduate, Galy Hardyta S.Pt., M.Sc., graduated cum laude with 3.89 of GPA. In the doctoral program, Dr. Nur Widodo obtained an very satisfactory GPA of 3.70 of GPA.
Other graduates are Faturrahman Hakim, Muhammad Dani, Restiyana Agusine, Risma Novela Esti, and Teguh Dwi Putra. The average time needed by master’s graduates to obtain their degree is 2 years and 4 months, a month short than the average study period in University level. Meanwhile, Dr. Widodo finished his study in 5 years and 1 month.
After attending the University graduation ceremony (24 April 2019), all graduate moved to Faculty of Animal Science to join the graduation celebration. In the event, the Faculty’s Dean congratulated all graduates for their accomplishment in completing their studies within shorter period of time compared to University level.