Graduate Program at Faculty of Animal UGM always envisions itself to be part of science development and community engagement. To achieve that goal, the program provides annual grant available for lecturers and students in the program. There are 2 grant schemes: research grant and community service grant.
Proposed by lecturer, the grant required student participation in each program. Thus, the program also benefited students to have a hand-on experience in grant writing, research, and delivering science to be applicable for society, especially farmers.
In 2018, the Graduate Program received 21 proposals. Among of them, 14 program were selectively selected to receive the funding. The complete list is shown below.
- Development of Functional Feed with Bioanthemintic Characteristic: The Use of Azadirachta as Bioanthelmitic on Thin-Tailed Sheep and In Farm Observation at Cooperation of Rojo Koyo Gama Mandiri
- Effects of Harvesting Time and Sorghum Varieties Cultivated on Stylosanthes Pasture on Production, Nutrient Value, Digestibility, and Prussic Acid
- Egg Protein Profile and Histomorphology of Layer’s Small Intestine on Feeding of Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria Microcapsule and Sekuntum Herbs
- Identification of Galactagog Compound and Immunomodulator from Legumes for Lactating Dairy Cow during Perparturien Period
- Effects of Garlic Suplementation on Chemical, Physical, and Sensory Characteristic; Antioxidant Activity, and Fatty Acid Profile of Chicken and Lamb Doner Kebab
- Fertility Identification of Friesian Holstein Crossbreed Cow Based On Level of Blood Nitrogenous Urea and Leptin
- Evaluation of Various Sorghum bicolor Sp. as Feed Resource and Bioethanol
- Polymorphism Identification of BMP-15 and GDF-9 Genes on Etawah Crossbreed at BPPTU -HPT Pelaihari, South Kalimantan
- Effects of Agricultural Waste Supplementation as Malic Source on In Vitro Digestibility
- Assessment of Animal Welfare Implementation on Beef Cattle Slaughtering at PT. Pasir Tengah Cianjur Jawa Barat
Community Service
- Training on Developing Day Old Chick of Ayam Kampung Super at Farmer Group “Cinderalas” Bendungan Village, West Progo, Yogyakarta
- Accompaniment Measure on Beef Cattle Rearing to Improve Its Productivity at Farmer Group “Mergo Andhini Makmur” Bolu Village, Seyegan, Sleman
- Establishment of Forage and Pasture Breeder at Goat and Sheep Farmer Group in Yogyakarta
- Utilization of Local Forages as Feed Forage Bank on Improving Animal Production System at Farmer Group Sumberharjo Village, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta